I'm working on a project where I stream in data from Kafka, massage it a bit,
and then wish to spit write it into HDFS using the RollingSink. This works just
fine using the provided examples, but I would like the data to be stored in ORC
on HDFS, rather than sequence files.
I am however un
Subject: Re: RollingSink with APIs requring fs+path
you are right, it is currently only possible to write to a FSDataOutputStream.
It could be generified as you mentioned. One thing that needs to be taken care
of, however, is that the write offsets are correctly checkpointed to e
you are right, it is currently only possible to write to a FSDataOutputStream.
It could be generified as you mentioned. One thing that needs to be taken care
of, however, is that the write offsets are correctly checkpointed to ensure
exactly-once semantics in case of failure. Right now, we d
> Best regards,
> Lasse
> From: Aljoscha Krettek
> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 1:56 PM
> To: user@flink.apache.org
> Subject: Re: RollingSink with APIs requring fs+path
> Hi,
> you are right, it is currently only possible to writ