Hi Timo,
I write simple testing code for the issue, please checkout
I write a custom table source which just use RowCsvInputformat to create the
dataset, and use the provided CsvTableSink, and can reproduce the issue.
I think I have already done that in my custom sink.
public String[] getFieldNames() {
return this.fieldNames;
public TypeInformation[] getFieldTypes() {
return this.fieldTypes;
public TableSink configure(String[] fieldNames, TypeInformation
Hi Yinhua,
your custom sink must implement
`org.apache.flink.table.sinks.TableSink#configure`. This method is
called when writing to a sink such that the sink can configure itself
for the reverse order. The methods `getFieldTypes` and `getFieldNames`
must then return the reconfigured schema;
I write a customized table source, and it emits some fields let's say f1, f2.
And then I just write to a sink with a reversed order of fields, as below:
*select f2, f1 from customTableSource*
And I found that it actually doesn't do the field reverse.
Then I tried with flink provided CsvTableSou