Yes, thanks!
Dhruv Kumar
PhD Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota
> On May 15, 2018, at 21:31, Xingcan Cui wrote:
> Yes, that makes sense and maybe you could also generate dynamic
Yes, that makes sense and maybe you could also generate dynamic intervals
according to the time spans.
> On May 16, 2018, at 9:41 AM, Dhruv Kumar wrote:
> As a part of my PhD research, I have been working on few optimization
> algorithms which try to jointly optimize delay a
As a part of my PhD research, I have been working on few optimization
algorithms which try to jointly optimize delay and traffic (WAN traffic) in a
geo-distributed streaming analytics setting. So, to show that the optimization
actually works in real life, I am trying to implement these optimizat
Hi Dhruv,
since there are timestamps associated with each record, I was wondering why you
try to replay them with a fixed interval. Can you give a little explanation
about that?
> On May 16, 2018, at 2:11 AM, Ted Yu wrote:
> Please see the following:
> http://www.rationa
Thanks a lot, Ted. Appreciate your help!
The approaches specified in the below links, are giving a very good level of
accuracy. Solves my problem for now.
Dhruv Kumar
PhD Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Please see the following:
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Dhruv Kumar wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying t
I am trying to replay a log file in which each record has a timestamp
associated with it. The time difference between the records is of the order of
microseconds. I am trying to replay this log maintaining the same delay between
the records (using Thread.sleep()) and sending it to a socket.