> Anyone seen this before:
> Caused by: *java.io.IOException*: Received an event in channel 0 while
> still having data from a record. This indicates broken serialization logic.
> If you are using custom serialization code (Writable or Value types), check
> their ser
FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, inputPath)
val rawEvents: DataSet[(Void, GenericRecord)] =
On 01/11/2017 03:16 PM, Newport, Billy wrote:
Anyone seen this before:
Caused by: _java.io.IOException_: Received an event in channel 0 while
still having data from a record
Anyone seen this before:
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Received an event in channel 0 while still
having data from a record. This indicates broken serialization logic. If you
are using custom serialization code (Writable or Value types), check their
serialization routines. In the case of