Thank a lot, best wishes
发自我的小米手机在 JING ZHANG ,2021年6月22日 下午5:59写道:Hi houyin,> I just thought flink engine will help me to do the type implicit conversion.I agree with you, it is a reasonable expectation. There is a FLIP about implicit type coercion [1]. Hope it helps.[1] https://cwiki.apache.or
Hi houyin,
> I just thought flink engine will help me to do the type implicit
I agree with you, it is a reasonable expectation. There is a FLIP about
implicit type coercion [1]. Hope it helps.
Hi houying,
The root cause of `CodeGenException` is comparing Integer with Varchar (b
is VARCHAR, '' and '0' are VARCHAR).
The Problem could be solved by updating type of b from INTEGER to VARCHAR.
Note, comparing INTEGER with VARCHAR may introduce other unexpected
results. For example in your abov
Hi, houying
It looks like a bug when code generate the operator code, which Flink version
are you using?
Could you help create an JIRA ticket?
> 在 2021年6月17日,19:48,纳兰清风 写道:
> Hello,
> When I am using case when statement in flink sql, I got an error as
> follow: