Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-11 Thread 刘建刚
Thanks Till for the reply. The suggestions are really helpful for the topic. Maybe something I mention is not clear or not detail. Here are what I want to say: 1. Changing log level is not suitable for the topic as you said. Because our inner log4j is old, so this feature is implemented in a

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-11 Thread Till Rohrmann
Thanks for starting this discussion. I do see the benefit of dynamically configuring your Flink job and the cluster running it. Some of the use cases which were mentioned here are already possible. E.g. adjusting the log level dynamically can be done by configuring an appropriate logging backend an

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-11 Thread Jary Zhen
big +1 for this feature, 1. Reset kafka offset in certain cases. 2. Stop checkpoint in certain cases. 3. Change log level for debug. 刘建刚 于2021年6月11日周五 下午12:17写道: > Thanks for all the discussions and suggestions. Since the topic has > been discussed for about a week, it is time to

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-10 Thread 刘建刚
Thanks for all the discussions and suggestions. Since the topic has been discussed for about a week, it is time to have a conclusion and new ideas are welcomed at the same time. First, the topic starts with use cases in restful interface. The restful interface supported many useful interact

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-08 Thread Xintong Song
> > 2. There are two kinds of existing special elements, special stream > records (e.g. watermarks) and events (e.g. checkpoint barrier). They all > flow through the whole DAG, but events needs to be acknowledged by > downstream and can overtake records, while stream records are not). So I’m > wond

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-08 Thread Steven Wu
> producing control events from JobMaster is similar to triggering a savepoint. Paul, here is what I see the difference. Upon job or jobmanager recovery, we don't need to recover and replay the savepoint trigger signal. On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 8:20 PM Paul Lam wrote: > +1 for this feature. Setti

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-08 Thread Paul Lam
+1 for this feature. Setting up a separate control stream is too much for many use cases, it would very helpful if users can leverage the built-in control flow of Flink. My 2 cents: 1. @Steven IMHO, producing control events from JobMaster is similar to triggering a savepoint. The REST api is no

Re: Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-08 Thread Steven Wu
option 2 is probably not feasible, as checkpoint may take a long time or may fail. Option 1 might work, although it complicates the job recovery and checkpoint. After checkpoint completion, we need to clean up those control signals stored in HA service. On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 1:14 AM 刘建刚 wrote:

Re: Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-08 Thread 刘建刚
Thanks for the reply. It is a good question. There are multi choices as follows: 1. We can persist control signals in HighAvailabilityServices and replay them after failover. 2. Only tell the users that the control signals take effect after they are checkpointed. Steven Wu [via Apach

Re: Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread Steven Wu
I can see the benefits of control flow. E.g., it might help the old (and inactive) FLIP-17 side input. I would suggest that we add more details of some of the potential use cases. Here is one mismatch with using control flow for dynamic config. Dynamic config is typically targeted/loaded by one sp

Re: Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread Xintong Song
+1 on separating the effort into two steps: 1. Introduce a common control flow framework, with flexible interfaces for generating / reacting to control messages for various purposes. 2. Features that leverating the control flow can be worked on concurrently Meantime, keeping collectin

Re: Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread Yun Gao
Very thanks Jiangang for bringing this up and very thanks for the discussion! I also agree with the summarization by Xintong and Jing that control flow seems to be a common buidling block for many functionalities and dynamic configuration framework is a representative application that frequentl

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread kai wang
I'm big +1 for this feature. 1. Limit the input qps. 2. Change log level for debug. in my team, the two examples above are needed JING ZHANG 于2021年6月8日周二 上午11:18写道: > Thanks Jiangang for bringing this up. > As mentioned in Jiangang's email, `dynamic configuration framework` > provides ma

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread JING ZHANG
Thanks Jiangang for bringing this up. As mentioned in Jiangang's email, `dynamic configuration framework` provides many useful functions in Kuaishou, because it could update job behavior without relaunching the job. The functions are very popular in Kuaishou, we also see similar demands in maillist

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread 刘建刚
Thanks Xintong Song for the detailed supplement. Since flink is long-running, it is similar to many services. So interacting with it or controlling it is a common desire. This was our initial thought when implementing the feature. In our inner flink, many configs used in yaml can be adjusted by dyn

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-07 Thread Jark Wu
Thanks Xintong for the summary, I'm big +1 for this feature. Xintong's summary for Table/SQL's needs is correct. The "custom (broadcast) event" feature is important to us and even blocks further awesome features and optimizations in Table/SQL. I also discussed offline with @Yun Gao several times

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-06 Thread Xintong Song
Thanks Jiangang for bringing this up, and Steven & Peter for the feedback. I was part of the preliminary offline discussions before this proposal went public. So maybe I can help clarify things a bit. In short, despite the phrase "control mode" might be a bit misleading, what we truly want to do

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-06 Thread 刘建刚
Thank you for the reply. I have checked the post you mentioned. The dynamic config may be useful sometimes. But it is hard to keep data consistent in flink, for example, what if the dynamic config will take effect when failover. Since dynamic config is a desire for users, maybe flink can support it

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-04 Thread Peter Huang
I agree with Steven. This logic can be added in a dynamic config framework that can bind into Flink operators. We probably don't need to let Flink runtime handle it. On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 8:11 AM Steven Wu wrote: > I am not sure if we should solve this problem in Flink. This is more like > a dy

Re: Add control mode for flink

2021-06-04 Thread Steven Wu
I am not sure if we should solve this problem in Flink. This is more like a dynamic config problem that probably should be solved by some configuration framework. Here is one post from google search: