> The subtask that seems causing problems seems to be a CoProcessFunction.
> I am going to debug Flink but since I'm relatively new to it, it might
> take a while so any help will be appreciated.
> Pasquale
> From: Till Rohrmann
> Sent: 08 January 2019 17:3
mann mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>>
Sent: 08 January 2019 17:35
To: Bruno Aranda mailto:bara...@apache.org>>
Cc: user mailto:user@flink.apache.org>>
Subject: Re: Subtask much slower than the others when creating checkpoints
Hi Bruno,
there are multiple reasons wh= one of the sub
>>> I've been wondering whether some Kafka partitions where empty but there
>>> is not much data skew and the keyBy uses the same key strategy as the Kafka
>>> partitions, I've tried to use murmur2 for hashing but it didn't help either.
g problems seems to be a CoProcessFunction.
> I am going to debug Flink but since I'm relatively new to it, it might take a
> while so any help will be appreciated.
> Pasquale
> From: Till Rohrmann mailto:trohrm...@apache.org>>
> Sent: 08 January 2019 17
since I'm relatively new to it, it might
>> take a while so any help will be appreciated.
>> Pasquale
>> From: Till Rohrmann
>> Sent: 08 January 2019 17:35
>> To: Bruno Aranda
>> Cc: user
>> Subject: Re: Subtask muc
> From: Till Rohrmann
> Sent: 08 January 2019 17:35
> To: Bruno Aranda
> Cc: user
> Subject: Re: Subtask much slower than the others when creating checkpoints
> Hi Bruno,
> there are multiple reasons wh= one of the subtasks can take longer for
to it, it might take a
while so any help will be appreciated.
From: Till Rohrmann
Sent: 08 January 2019 17:35
To: Bruno Aranda
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Subtask much slower than the others when creating checkpoints
Hi Bruno,
there are multiple reasons wh= one of the subtasks can take
Hi Bruno,
there are multiple reasons why one of the subtasks can take longer for
checkpointing. It looks as if there is not much data skew since the state
sizes are relatively equal. It also looks as if the individual tasks all
start at the same time with the checkpointing which indicates that the