I just stumbled on this same problem without any associated ZK issues. We had a
Kafka broker fail that caused this issue:
2018-07-18 02:48:13,497 INFO
org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph- Sink: Produce:
(2/4) (7e7d61b286d90c51bbd20a15796633f2) switched from
Hi Ufuk, Piotr
Thanks for all of your replies. I knew that jobs are cancelled if the JM
looses the connection to ZK, but JM didn't loose connection in my case.
My job failed because of the exception from KafkaProducer. However, it
happened before and after that exception that TM lost ZK connection
It looks like there was an error in asynchronous job of sending the records to
Kafka. Probably this is a collateral damage of loosing connection to zookeeper.
> On 15 May 2018, at 13:33, Ufuk Celebi wrote:
> Hey Tony,
> thanks for the detailed report.
> - In Flink 1.4, jo
Hi all,
Recently, my flink job met a problem that caused the job failed and
The log is list this screen snapshot
or this
2018-05-11 13:21:04,582 WARN
org.apache.flink.shaded.zookeeper.org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Client
session timed out, have not heard from server in 610