Hey Timo,
when I try to access the array in the case class via the SQL syntax, I get
back an error that the syntax is invalid. Here is an example of the case
class structure:
case class Envelope(name: String, entity: Product)
case class Product(name: String, items: List[Item])
case class Item(attr
Actually, your use case should be doable with Flink's Table & SQL API
with some additional UDFs. The API can handle JSON objects if they are
valid composite types and you can access arrays as well. The splitting
might be a bit tricky in SQL, you could model it simply as a where()
clause or mayb
Hey Timo,
thanks for your warm welcome and for creating a ticket to fix this!
My scenario is the following:
I receive different JSON entities from an AMQP queue. I have a source to
collect the events, after that I parse them into the different internal case
classes and split the stream via the spl
thanks for writing on the mailling list. I could reproduce your error
and opened an issue for it
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-8107). UNNEST currently
only supports unnesting and joining an array of the same relation.
However joining of two relations will be supported soon
I need some help regarding the sql and table api. I'm using Apache Flink
1.3.2 with scala 2.11.11 (also tried 2.11.8) and I created a DataStream
(based on a scala case class) and I registered this as a table. The case
class includes some Lists, because the underlying JSON has some Arrays in