> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 18:28
> To: Aggarwal, Ajay
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: KeyBy distribution across taskslots
> Hi,
> The answer is in fact no.
> Flink hash-partitions keys into Key Groups [1] which are uniformly assigned
> to
From: Fabian Hueske
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 18:28
To: Aggarwal, Ajay
Subject: Re: KeyBy distribution across taskslots
The answer is in fact no.
Flink hash-partitions keys into Key Groups [1] which are uniformly a
The answer is in fact no.
Flink hash-partitions keys into Key Groups [1] which are uniformly assigned
to tasks, i.e., a task can process more than one key group.
AFAIK, there are no plans to change this behavior.
Stefan (in CC) might be able to give more details on this.
Something that might
I couldn’t find reference to it anywhere in the docs, so I thought I will ask
When I use KeyBy operator, say KeyBy (“customerId”) and some keys (i.e.
customers) are way too noisy than others, is there a way to ensure that too
many noisy customers do not land on the same taskslot? In gen