Cc: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: Re: Issue with Flink Job when Reading Data from Kafka and Executing
SQL Query (q77 TPC-DS)
⚠EXTERNAL MESSAGE – CAUTION: Think Before You Click ⚠
Hi Vladimir,
As I see, your SQL query is reading data from the Kafka topic and pulls all
data to the client
Hi Vladimir,
As I see, your SQL query is reading data from the Kafka topic and pulls all
data to the client side. The "*.collect" method is quite network/memory
intensive. You probably do want that.
If you want to debug/print the ingested data via SQL, I would recommend the
"print" connector.
Hello Flink Community,
I am texting to you with an issue I have encountered while using Apache
Flink version 1.17.1. In my Flink Job, I am using Kafka version 3.6.0 to
ingest data from TPC-DS(current tpcds100 target size tpcds1), and then
I am executing SQL queries, specifically, the q77 query