Thanks very much. Forgive me for the simple question. I have found the doc
in the latest code. My inner code is too old...
Jake 于2021年10月26日周二 上午11:39写道:
> Hi, you can do like this:
> ```java
> val statementSet = tableEnv.createStatementSet()
> val insertSqlBuffer = ListBuffer.empty[String
Hi, you can do like this:
val statementSet = tableEnv.createStatementSet()
val insertSqlBuffer = ListBuffer.empty[String]
val calciteParser = new
.foreach(item => {
val itemNode = cal
I have multi batch SQL commands separated by semicolon(;). The SQL commands
need to be executed in order(In other cases, the SQL command may share
sources or sinks). I want to execute them in one job. When I
use tableEnv.executeSql(multiSQL), it will throw errors. How can I execute
them in one job