Have you checked janusgraph source code , it used also hbase as a storage
It combines it with elasticsearch for indexing. Maybe you can inspire from the
architecture there.
Generally, hbase it depends a lot on how the data is written to regions, the
order of data
Restarting this thread since it is relevant to us. We are thinking of using
HBase/Cassandra to store graph data and then load the data from here into
Flink/Gelly. One of the issues we are concerned about is the read
performance. So far we tried our tests with data residing on HDFS and that
worked f
ng blog.
>>> From your experience, is there anything on hbase side which you see room
>>> for improvement ?
>>> Which hbase release are you using ?
>>> Cheers
>>> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Robert Yokota
>>> wrote:
>>>> In case anyone is interested, I wrote a blog on how to analyze graphs
>>>> stored in HBase with Apache Flink Gelly:
>>>> https://yokota.blog/2017/07/27/graph-analytics-on-hbase-with
>>>> -hgraphdb-and-apache-flink-gelly/
;> Cheers
>> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Robert Yokota
>> wrote:
>>> In case anyone is interested, I wrote a blog on how to analyze graphs
>>> stored in HBase with Apache Flink Gelly:
>>> https://yokota.blog/2017/07/27/graph-analytics-on-hbase-with
>>> -hgraphdb-and-apache-flink-gelly/
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Robert Yokota wrote:
>> In case anyone is interested, I wrote a blog on how to analyze graphs
>> stored in HBase with Apache Flink Gelly:
>> https://yokota.blog/2017/07/27/graph-analytics-on-hbase-with
>> -hgraphdb-and-apache-flink-gelly/
stored in HBase with Apache Flink Gelly:
> https://yokota.blog/2017/07/27/graph-analytics-on-hbase-with
> -hgraphdb-and-apache-flink-gelly/
In case anyone is interested, I wrote a blog on how to analyze graphs
stored in HBase with Apache Flink Gelly: