Thank you very much for answering my question!
In the attachment I store the logs from my last attempt to run (flink
started debug-level logs), and my flink cluster runs in a kubernate-based
hadoop cluster with 3 nodes and kerberos security authentication enabled. I
made a flink
how did you start the job masters? Could you maybe share the logs of all
components? It looks as if the leader election is not working properly. One
thing to make sure is that you specify for every new HA cluster a different
cluster ID via `high-availability.cluster-id: cluster_xy`. That way y
I found some problems about on kubernates flink of 1.6.0 mentioned by Till
in "HA for 1.6.0 job cluster with docker-compose" in the email list, but I
found that Jira of flink-10291 in the email has been shut down in 1.7.0, and I
also found similar errors in on kubernates flink of 1.7