*Date:* 2020-04-16 16:56
> *To:* wangl...@geekplus.com.cn
> *CC:* user
> *Subject:* Re: FlinkSQL query error when specify json-schema.
> Hi wanglei,
> You don't need to specify 'format.json-schema', the format can derive
> schema from the DDL.
> Your exception above
4-16 16:56
To: wangl...@geekplus.com.cn
CC: user
Subject: Re: FlinkSQL query error when specify json-schema.
Hi wanglei,
You don't need to specify 'format.json-schema', the format can derive schema
from the DDL.
Your exception above means the schema in 'format.json-schema' and
Hi wanglei,
You don't need to specify 'format.json-schema', the format can derive
schema from the DDL.
Your exception above means the schema in 'format.json-schema' and DDL are
not match.
wangl...@geekplus.com.cn 于2020年4月16日周四 下午4:21写道:
> CREATE TABLE user_log(
> `id` INT,
> `timestam
CREATE TABLE user_log(
`id` INT,
`timestamp` BIGINT
) WITH (
'connector.type' = 'kafka',
'connector.version' = 'universal',
'connector.topic' = 'wanglei_jsontest',
'connector.startup-mode' = 'latest-offset',
'connector.properties.0.key' = 'zookeeper.connect',