Hello Qingsheng,
Removing KafkaAvroSerializer from the producer properties worked, indeed.
I validated this by using a FlinkKafkaConsumer, using
ConfluentRegistryAvroDeserializationSchema, so it's working properly.
The problem I'm still having, is that I will have to use schema registry where
Hi Dan,
In FlinkKafkaProducer, records are serialized by the SerializationSchema
specified in the constructor, which is the “schema”
(ConfluentRegistryAvroSerializationSchema.forSpecific(AvroObject.class)) in
your case, instead of the serializer specified in producer properties. The
default se
Hi guys,
I’m working on a solution where I ingest Kafka Records and I need to sink them
to another topic using Avro and Schema Registry.
The problem I’m facing, is that I can’t find a suitable configuration that
actually works for me.
I’m going to explain.
1. I have a KafkaSource that cons