Then I would suggest the following.
- Check the task manager log to see if the '-D' properties are properly
loaded. They should be located at the beginning of the log file.
- You can also try to log into the pod and check the JVM launch command
with "ps -ef | grep TaskManagerRunner". I suspect ther
Hi Eleanore,
I'd like to explain about 1 & 2. For 3, I have no idea either.
1. I dont see the heap size from UI for task manager show correctly
Despite the 'heap' in the key, 'taskmanager.heap.size' accounts for the
total memory of a Flink task manager, rather than only the heap memory. A
Hi All,
Currently I am running a flink job cluster (v1.8.2) on kubernetes with 4
pods, each pod with 4 parallelism.
The flink job reads from a source topic with 96 partitions, and does per
element filter, the filtered value comes from a broadcast topic and it
always use the latest message as the