TEM_TIME AS OF kt.PROCTIME AS dt on kt.column_two = dt.column_two ;
I want to implement such this logic which using flink sql .
From: Jing Ge
Date: 2022-03-19 01:37
To: WuKong
CC: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: Re: Flink SQL 1.12 How to implement query Hbase table on sec
HI WuKong,
Afaiu, technically, you are not using Hbase secondary index(coprocessor).
What you are trying to do is to store the synced dim table in elasticsearch
and query from there to get the rowkeys and then use the rowkeys to get dim
table rows from Hbase. In this way, a (full) table scan in Hb
now my data store hbase and I want use flink to implement kafka table
temproal join hbase table , but condtion is not rowkey , I realize hbase
secondary index, how can I implement this function what can use flink sql first
query secondary index(such as es) and then use rowkey query hba