I see that there is no keyBy in your user code. Is it the case that some
Kafka partitions contain a lot more data than others? If so, you can try
datastream.rebalance() [1] to rebalance the data between each parallelism
and reduce the impact of data skew.
Hi Caizhi
Thank you for the response. Below is relevant code for the pipeline as
requested, along with the Kafka properties we set for both the
FlinkKafkaProducer and Consumer. The operator that suffers the data skew
are the sinks.
import Models.BlueprintCacheDataType;
import PipelineBlocks.*;
>From your description this is due to data skew. The common solution to data
skew is to add a random value to your partition keys so that data can be
distributed evenly into downstream operators.
Could you provide more information about your job (preferably user code or
SQL code), especially
We are having trouble with record throughput that we believe to be a result
of slow checkpoint durations. The job uses Kafka as both a source and sink
as well as a Redis-backed service within the same cluster, used to enrich
the data in a transformation, before writing records back to Kafka. Be