ember 13, 2021 12:59 AM
> *To:* Alexey Trenikhun
> *Cc:* Flink User Mail List
> *Subject:* Re: Flink 1.13.3, k8s HA - ResourceManager was revoked
> leadership
> Hi Alexey,
> please be aware that the json-based logs in the mail may not make it pass
> the spam filter (at
Hi Alexey,
please be aware that the json-based logs in the mail may not make it pass
the spam filter (at least for gmail they did not) :(
K8s based leader election is based on optimistic locking of the underlying
config-map (~ periodically updating the lease annotation of the
config-map). If JM f
I'm running Flink 1.13.3 with Kubernetes HA. JM periodically restarts after
some time, in log below job runs ~8 minutes, then suddenly leadership was
revoked, job reaches terminal state and K8s restarts failed JM:
{"timestamp":"2021-12-11T04:51:53.697Z","message":"Agent Info (1/1)