Re: Flink 1.13 Tumble Window Setting Time Attribute Column

2021-08-03 Thread JING ZHANG
Hi Pranav, > I call inputStream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(watermarkStrategy). I'm a little confused. It seems that you need proctime as the time attribute, then why need assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(watermarkStrategy)? assignTimestampsAndWatermarks is only needed when you need event time attri

Re: Flink 1.13 Tumble Window Setting Time Attribute Column

2021-08-03 Thread Pranav Patil
Thank you for the tips. Unfortunately, the guides don't follow the same case since I'm not using SQL DDL and I don't convert from DataStream to Table, I register the DataStream as a table in the SQL API. I have a custom DataStream source, which I have as DataStream. The time characteristic is norm

Re: Flink 1.13 Tumble Window Setting Time Attribute Column

2021-08-02 Thread JING ZHANG
Hi Pranav, Yes, The root cause is the `timecol` is not a time attribute column. If you use processing time as time attribute, please refer [1] for more information. If you use. event time as time attribute, please refer[2] for more information. And only if choose event time, `assignTimestampsAndWat

Re: Flink 1.13 Tumble Window Setting Time Attribute Column

2021-08-02 Thread Caizhi Weng
Hi! The precision of time attribute can only be 3, you can try casting the proctime column to TIMESTAMP(3) and that should work. Pranav Patil 于2021年8月3日周二 上午8:51写道: > Hi, > > I'm upgrading a repository from Flink 1.11 to Flink 1.13. I have Flink SQL > command that used to do tumbling windows us

Flink 1.13 Tumble Window Setting Time Attribute Column

2021-08-02 Thread Pranav Patil
Hi, I'm upgrading a repository from Flink 1.11 to Flink 1.13. I have Flink SQL command that used to do tumbling windows using the following in the GROUP BY clause: SELECT ... FROM ... GROUP BY TUMBLE(proctime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) However now, it gives me the error: org.apache.flink.table.api.T