Matthias' solution should work in most cases.
In cases where you do not control the source (or the source can never be
finite, like the Kafka source), we often use a trick in the tests, which is
throwing a special type of exception (a SuccessException).
You can catch this exception on env.execute
you just need to terminate your source (ie, return from run() method if
you implement your own source function). This will finish the complete
program. For already available sources, just make sure you read finite
Hope this helps.
On 10/05/2015 12:15 AM, jay vyas wrote:
> H
Hi folks.
How do we end a stream execution environment?
I have a unit test which runs a streaming job, and want the unit test to
die after the first round of output is processed...
DataStream> counts =
new MapFunction>() {
public Tuple2