Kindly let me know what can I do to get this fix
Connection unexpectedly closed by remote task manager
'ip-10-210-5-104.ap-south-1.compute.internal/'. This might
indicate that the remote task m
to get this fix
> org.apache.flink.runtime.io
> .network.netty.exception.RemoteTransportException:
> Connection unexpectedly closed by remote task manager
> 'ip-10-210-5-104.ap-south-1.compute.internal/'. This
> might
> indicate that the remote task manager was lo
I have put the task manager of the data sink log to
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Hi Qi,
I checked the JVM heap of the sink TM is low.
I tried to read flink source code to identify where is exact the error
I think the exception happened inside DataSinkTask.invoke()
// work!
while (!this.taskCanceled && ((
the job is nearly done(All
> data source has been finished, and the data sink has been running for a
> while).
> The detail error as below:
> 2019-03-28 07:53:49,086 ERROR
> org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.DataSinkTask - Error in
> user code: Connection unexpecte
Connection unexpectedly closed by remote task manager
This might indicate that the remote task manager