How to build a Graph using Flink Gelly from a text file that consists of edge
From: "Vishwas Siravara"
To: "user"
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 9:17:01 PM
Subject: Configuring logback
Hi guys,
I am using logback for my application logs
Hi guys,
I am using logback for my application logs. I have logback.xml as a part of
my fat jar that I submit to flink via command line flink run "...". When I
run my application from IDE , the appenders are what I have set in my
logback but when I run from command line the appender defaults to the
My logback is a part of my application jar file, do you mean I should
externalize it and pass set its location in FLINK_CONF_DIR ?
like export FLINK_CONF_DIR=/home/was/
where I have logback.xml in /home/was/ ?
On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 10:31 PM Yang Wang wrote:
> Hi Vishwas,
Hi Vishwas,
If you mean to have your application logs to its configured appenders in
client, i think you could use your own FLINK_CONF_DIR environment.
Otherwise, we could not update the log4j/logback configuration.[1]
I have a logback for my flink application which is packaged with the
application fat jar. However when I submit my job from flink command line
tool, I see that logback is set to
-Dlogback.configurationFile=file:/data/flink-1.7.2/conf/logback.xml from
the client log.
As a result my application