As seen in the stacktrace every sink added via StreamExEnv#add_source is
wrapped in a PythonSinkFunction which internally converts things to
PyObjects, that's why the mapper had no effect.
Currently we don't differentiate between java/python sinks, contrary to
sources where we have an explicit
Hi Joe,
ping Chesnay for you, please wait for the reply.
Thanks, vino.
Joe Malt 于2018年8月15日周三 上午7:16写道:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write to a Kafka stream in a Flink job using the new Python
> streaming API.
> My program looks like this:
> def main(factory):
> props = Properties()
I'm trying to write to a Kafka stream in a Flink job using the new Python
streaming API.
My program looks like this:
def main(factory):
props = Properties()
consumer = FlinkKafkaConsumer010([configs['kafkaReadTopic']