> this
>> problem for DataStreams.
>> Regards,
>> Vinay Patil
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/
>> --
I am facing a similar issue today with Flink 1.6.0 - AvroOutputFormat
AvroOutputFormat tuple2AvroOutputFormat = new
new Path(""), GenericRecord.class);
.map(new GenerateGenericRecord())
Flink should not interact poorly with heavily nested schemas. So this
might be another bug that is worth investigating. Can you share an
example that reproduces your issues with us? Which Flink version are you
Contributors are always welcome :) I will also take a look into the
Hi Padarn,
usually people are using the AvroInputFormat with the Avro class
generated by an Avro schema. But after looking into the implementation,
one should also be able to use the GenericRecord class as a parameter.
So your exception seems to be a bug if it works locally but not
Hi all - sorry this seems like a silly question, but I can't figure it out.
I'm using an AvroInputFormat in order to read an Avro file like this:
val textInputFormat = new AvroInputFormat[GenericRecord](infile,
val lines = env.readFile(textInputFormat, path)
This works fi