Thanks so much Dawid for your time and explanations. Mans
On Thursday, July 15, 2021, 10:09:23 AM EDT, Dawid Wysakowicz
Ad 1/2/4 Please refer to Avro's documentation on how do the reader and writer
schemas work e.g. here[1] and here[2]. That's purely Avro's thing.
Ad.3 Theo
Ad 1/2/4 Please refer to Avro's documentation on how do the reader and
writer schemas work e.g. here[1] and here[2]. That's purely Avro's thing.
Ad.3 Theoretically yes. The problem is the communication between
TaskManagers. We need to serialize the Avro records somehow. The chosen
approach is to u
Hello Dawid:
Thanks for your answers and references.
I do have a few questions:
1. Is there any scenario where the reader and writer schema should differ ?
2. How is the mismatch b/w the two schemas (one passed as argument and other
retrieved from schema registry) resolved at run time ?
3. As me
Yes, you are right the schema in the forGeneric is the readerSchema and
at the same time the schema that Flink will be working with in the
pipeline. It will be the schema used to serialize and deserialize
records between different TaskManagers. Between the Flink TaskManagers
that schema plays
I am trying to read avro encoded messages from Kafka with schema registered in
schema registry.
I am using the class
using the me