Hi Ritesh,
Jena could store triples in NQuadsInputFormat that is an HadoopInputFormat
so that you can read data in effiient way with Flink. Unfortunately I
rembember that I had some problem usign it so I just export my Jena model
as NQuads so then I can parse it efficiently with Flink as a text fil
Hi Flavio,
1. How do you access your rdf dataset via flink? Are you reading it as a
normal input file and splitting the records or you have some wrappers in
place to convert the rdf data into triples? Can you please share some code
samples if possible?
2. I am using Jena TDB command
Ho Ritesh,
I have sone experience with Rdf and Flink. What do you mean for accessing a
Jena model? How do you create it?
>From my experience reading triples from jena models is evil because it has
some problems with garbage collection.
On 6 Apr 2016 00:51, "Ritesh Kumar Singh"
> Hi,
> I
I need some suggestions regarding accessing RDF triples from flink. I'm
trying to integrate flink in a pipeline where the input for flink comes
from SPARQL query on a Jena model. And after modification of triples using
flink, I will be performing SPARQL update using Jena to save my changes.