答复: How to specify the number of TaskManagers in Yarn Cluster using Per-Job Mode

2020-08-17 Thread 范超
Thanks Yangze for providing these links I'll try it ! -邮件原件- 发件人: Yangze Guo [mailto:karma...@gmail.com] 发送时间: 2020年8月18日 星期二 12:57 收件人: 范超 抄送: user (user@flink.apache.org) 主题: Re: How to specify the number of TaskManagers in Yarn Cluster using Per-Job Mode The number of TM mainly dep

答复: How to specify the number of TaskManagers in Yarn Cluster using Per-Job Mode

2020-08-17 Thread 范超
Thanks Yangze 1. Do you meet any problem when deploying on Yarn or running Flink job? My job works well 2. Why do you need to start the TMs on all the three machines? From cluster perspective, I wonder if the process pressure can be balance to 3 machines. 3. Flink can control how many TM to sta

答复: How to specify the number of TaskManagers in Yarn Cluster using Per-Job Mode

2020-08-17 Thread 范超
Thanks Yangze The reason why I don’t deploying a standalone cluster, it's because there kafka, kudu, hadoop, zookeeper on these machines, maybe currently using the yarn to manage resources is the best choice for me. If Flink can not control how many tm to start , could anyone providing me some b

答复: How to specify the number of TaskManagers in Yarn Cluster using Per-Job Mode

2020-08-17 Thread 范超
Thanks Yangze All 3 machines NodeManager is started. I just don't know why not three machines each running a Flink TaskManager and how to achieve this -邮件原件- 发件人: Yangze Guo [mailto:karma...@gmail.com] 发送时间: 2020年8月18日 星期二 10:10 收件人: 范超 抄送: user (user@flink.apache.org) 主题: Re: How to