Hi Igal,
I have use cases such as "when a translator translates 10 words within 30
seconds". Typically, it is beautiful to express these with CEP.
Yet, these are exploration questions where I try to replicate our Flink
application in Statefun. Rephrasing problems better might be what's needed
Hi Gordon,
Getting a little closer to Flink API could be helpful here with
integration. DataStreams as ingress/egress would be AMAZING. Deploying
regular Flink API code and statefun together as a single job is also
something I will explore soon.
With CEP, I simply want to keep a Function-specific
I'm not familiar with the other library that you have mentioned, and indeed
using Flink CEP from within a stateful function is not possible within a
single Flink job, as Gordon mentioned.
I'm wondering what aspects of CEP are you interested in?
Because essentially a stateful function can be
It isn't possible to use Flink CEP within Stateful Functions.
That could be an interesting primitive, to add CEP-based function
Could your briefly describe what you are trying to achieve?
On the other hand, there are plans to integrate Stateful Functions more
closely with the Fli
I am leaning towards using Siddhi as a library, but I would really love to
stick with Flink CEP, or at least the specific CEP mechanism that Flink CEP
uses. Exploring the codebase of Flink CEP wasn't much promising on this end.
[image: MotaWord]
Oytun Tez
M O T A W O R D | CTO & Co-Founder
Hi there,
I was wondering if I could somehow use CEP within a Function. Have you
experimented with this before?
Or, do you have any suggestions to do CEP within a Function? I am looking
for a standalone library now.
[image: MotaWord]
Oytun Tez
M O T A W O R D | CTO & Co-Founder