Thanks @Tison for starting the discussion and sorry for joining so late.
Yes, I think this is a very good idea. we already tweak the flink-yarn
package internally to support something similar to what @Thomas mentioned:
to support registering a Jar that has already uploaded to some DFS
(needless to
Thanks for your participation!
@Yang: Great to hear. I'd like to know whether or not a remote flink jar
path conflicts with FLINK-13938. IIRC FLINK-13938 auto excludes local flink
jar from shipping which possibly not works for the remote one.
@Thomas: It inspires a lot URL becomes the unified rep
Would that be a feature specific to Yarn? (and maybe standalone sessions)
For containerized setups, and init container seems like a nice way to solve
this. Also more flexible, when it comes to supporting authentication
mechanisms for the target storage system, etc.
On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 5:29 PM
I have implemented this feature in our env, Use ‘Init Container’ of docker to get URL of a jar file ,It seems a good idea.
There is a related use case (not specific to HDFS) that I came across:
It would be nice if the jar upload endpoint could accept the URL of a jar
file as alternative to the jar file itself. Such URL could point to an
artifactory or distributed file system.
On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 7:40 PM
Hi tison,
Thanks for your starting this discussion.
* For user customized flink-dist jar, it is an useful feature. Since it
could avoid to upload the flink-dist jar
every time. Especially in production environment, it could accelerate the
submission process.
* For the standard flink-dist jar, FLIN
Hi forks,
Recently, our customers ask for a feature configuring remote flink jar. I'd
like to reach to you guys
to see whether or not it is a general need.
ATM Flink only supports configures local file as flink jar via `-yj`
option. If we pass a HDFS file
path, due to implementation detail it wil