Hi team,
I know we can specify the join algorithm hint with dataset API
But wondering if this is possible to support with the SQL API?
We have market data with a currency id(a
I have put the task manager of the data sink log to
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Hi Qi,
I checked the JVM heap of the sink TM is low.
I tried to read flink source code to identify where is exact the error
I think the exception happened inside DataSinkTask.invoke()
// work!
while (!this.taskCanceled && ((
I write a single flink job with flink SQL with version 1.6.1
I have one table source which read data from a database, and one table sink
to output as avro format file.
The table source has parallelism of 19, and table sink only has parallelism
of 1.
But there is always RemoteTransportExceptio
Hi Community,
Can anyone help me understand the execution sequence in batch mode?
1. Can I set slot isolation in batch mode? I can only find the
slotSharingGroup API in streaming mode.
2. When multiple data source parallel instances are allocated to the same
slot, how does flink run those data s
Hi Community,
I was trying to run a big batch job which use JDBCInputFormat to retrieve a
large amount data from a mysql database and do some joins in flink, the
environment is AWS EMR. But it always failed very fast.
I'm using flink on yarn, flink 1.6.1
my cluster has 1000GB memory, my job param
Get it, thanks guys
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Hi Elias,
Would it be good enough as long as we use always use different object when
call the Collector.collect() method in the operator?
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Hi Community,
I saw from the document that we need to be careful about enable the object
reuse feature.
So which part should I check to avoid any issues? Can any one help to
Thank you.
*enableObjectReuse() / disableObjectReuse()* By default, objects are not
reused in Flink. Enab
Maybe you could consider to put your udf jar to flink/lib before job
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OK, thanks.
It might be better to update the document which has the following example
that confused me.
FROM Orders
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Why flink said "Limiting the result without sorting is not allowed as it
could lead to arbitrary results" when I use limit in batch mode?
SELECT * FROM csvSource limit 10;
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Hi Community,I added below item in flink-conf.yaml, and I saw
UnknownTaskExecutorException each time when I start flink in Windows via
com.tr.apt.sqlengine.tables.aws.HadoopAWSCredentialsProviderChain*I'm sure
that this new configuration is succes
Thanks Guys.
I just wondering if there is another way except hard code the list:)
Thanks anyway.
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I would like to put this list to the our self service flink SQL web UI.
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Get it, thanks.
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In our case, we wrote a console table sink which print everything on the
console, and use "insert into" to write the interim result to console.
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Hi Timo,
Can you let me know how the build-in "MAX" function able to support
different types?
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Hi Timo,
But getResultType should only return a concrete type information, right?
How could I implement with a generic type?
I'd like to clarify my questions again.
Say I want to implement my own "MAX" function, but I want to apply it to
different types, e.g. integer, long, double etc, so I tried
Hi Chesnay,
Maybe you misunderstand my question.
I have below code:
public class MyMaxAggregation extends AggregateFunction {
public MyAccumulator createAccumulator() {
return new MyAccumulator();
public T getValue(MyAccumulator accumulator) {
return null;
Hi Community,
I tried to write a UDF with generic type, but seems that Flink will complain
not recognizing the type information when I use it in SQL.
I checked the implementation of native function "MAX" and realize that it's
not using the same API(AggregationFunction e.g.) as user defined functi
Hi Fabian,
It's the submission of the jar file cost too long time.
And yes Hequn and your suggestion is working, but just curious why a 100M
jar files causes so long time to submit, is it related with some upload
parameter settings of the web layer?
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I have to do that for now, however I have to find another way because the jar
some times get update and the flink cluster will be remotely in future.
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I am using Flink 1.6.1, I tried to use flink sql client with some own jars
with --jar and --library.
It can work to execute sql query, however it always cause around 2 minutes
to submit the job the local cluster, but when I copy my jar to flink lib,
and remove --jar and --library parameter, it can
It might be difficult as you the task manager and job manager are pre-started
in a session mode.
It seems that flink http server will always use the configuration that you
specified when you start your flink cluster, i.e. start-cluster.sh, I don't
find a way to override it.
Sent from: http:/
Which flink version are you using.
I know how it works in yarn, but not very clear with standalone mode.
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The code running in your main method will output to flink cli log, others
like map function etc will output to task manager log.
Are you saying that you only see flink code in
It might be useful if you elaborate your environment.
Sent from: http://ap
General approach#1 is ok, but you may have to use some hash based key
selector if you have a heavy data skew.
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Did you try "-Dkey=value"?
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OK, thanks.
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As far as I know, -yt works for both job manager and task manager, -C works
for flink cli.
Did you consider putting all your jars in /flink/lib?
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Hi Fabian,
Is below description still remain the same in Flink 1.6?
Slots do not guard CPU time, IO, or JVM memory. At the moment they only
isolate managed memory which is only used for batch processing. For
streaming applications their only purpose is to limit the number of parallel
threads that
I am able to write a single operator as you suggested, thank you.
And then I saw ContinuousProcessingTimeTrigger from flink source code, it
looks like it's something that I am looking for, if there is a way that I
can customize the SQL "TUMBLE" window to use this trigger instead of
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for your explanation.
I basically understand your meaning, as far as my understanding, we can
write a custom window assigner and custom trigger, and we can register the
timer when the window process elements.
But How can we register a timer when no elements received during
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for your explanation.
I basically understand your meaning, as far as my understanding, we can
write a custom window assigner and custom trigger, and we can register the
timer when the window process elements.
But How can we register a timer when no elements received during
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for your explanation.
I basically understand your meaning, as far as my understanding, we can
write a custom window assigner and custom trigger, and we can register the
timer when the window process elements.
But How can we register a timer when no elements received during a t
Hi Piotr, Thank you for your explanation. I basically understand your
meaning, as far as my understanding, we can write a custom window assigner
and custom trigger, and we can register the timer when the window process
elements. But How can we register a timer when no elements received during a
Hi Piotr,
Can you elaborate more on the solution with the custom operator?
I don't think there will be any records from the SQL query if no input data
in coming in within the time window even if we convert the result to a
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We have a requirement that always want to trigger a calculation on a timer
basis e.g. every 1 minute.
*If there are records come in flink during the time window then calculate it
with the normal way, i.e. aggregate for each record and getResult() at end
of the time window.*
*If there are no recor
You can try with *-yD env.java.opts.taskmanager="-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"*
if you are running fink on yarn.
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Hi Timo,
I write simple testing code for the issue, please checkout
I write a custom table source which just use RowCsvInputformat to create the
dataset, and use the provided CsvTableSink, and can reproduce the issue.
I think I have already done that in my custom sink.
public String[] getFieldNames() {
return this.fieldNames;
public TypeInformation[] getFieldTypes() {
return this.fieldTypes;
public TableSink configure(String[] fieldNames, TypeInformation
I write a customized table source, and it emits some fields let's say f1, f2.
And then I just write to a sink with a reversed order of fields, as below:
*select f2, f1 from customTableSource*
And I found that it actually doesn't do the field reverse.
Then I tried with flink provided CsvTableSou
I am using flink to download and process a big file from a remote ftp server
As flink supports ftp protocol with hadoop ftp file system, so I use the
CSVInputFormat with a ftp address(ftp://user:pass@server/path/file).
It works correct in my local machine, but when I run the job in EMR
Hi Gary,
Yes you are right, we are using the attach mode.
I will try to put my jar to flink/lib to get around with the issue.
I will open a jira for the discrepancy for flink 1.3 and 1.5, thanks a lot.
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Meanwhile, I can see below code in flink 1.5
public static final ConfigOption CLASSPATH_INCLUDE_USER_JAR =
.withDescription("Defines whether user-jars are
included i
Hi Timo,
I didn't tried to configure the classloader order, according to the
document, it should only be needed for yarn-session mode, right?
I can see the ship files(-yt /path/dir/) is present in job manager's class
path, so maybe I should put my uber jar in the -yt path so that it will be
We have some customized log4j layout implementation so we need flink job
manager/task manager be able to load the logger implementation which is
packaged in the uber jar.
However, we noticed that in flink 1.3, the user jar is put at the beginning
of job manager, when we do the same again in flink
I have experience UnsatisfiedLinkError when I tried to use
flink-s3-fs-hadoop to sink to s3 in my local Windows machine.
I googled and tried several solutions like download hadoop.dll and
winutils.exe, set up HADOOP_HOME and PATH environment variables, copy
hadoop.dll to C:\Windows\System32,
I am still have the same problem, googled many ways but still failed.
I have downloaded and added hadoop.dll and winutils.exe to class path.
To verify that is working, I called "System.loadLibrary("haddop")" at the
beginning of my java program and it succeed.
BTW: I run my program in windows
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