?????? How to get the ActorSystem in custom operator

2018-11-13 Thread wpb
essage the special operator. Maybe streaming join will work. but I hope I can use the actor system for more convenient and controlable. -- -- ??: "Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai"; : 2018??11??14??(??) ????0:15 ??: "wpb"&

How to get the ActorSystem in custom operator

2018-11-08 Thread wpb
hi?? Since I want to use akka to sync some status in my custom operator??Is there any way to get the ActorSystem in org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.AbstractStreamOperator or get the address list of the taskmanager to build the ActorSystem?? thanks

How can I configure logback for TaskManager in LocalStreamEnvironment

2018-11-08 Thread wpb
I'm using Flink LocalStreamEnvironment when developing job. When I use the logback for logging, and I found that logback.xml only work for Jobmanager but not work for TaskManager. How can I configure the log layout and level for TaskManager in LocalStreamEnvironment. Thanks! PB

How can I set the Flink Job Id to enable flink checkpoint

2018-10-02 Thread wpb
hello, When I enable the checkpoint in flink job, I found that flink have saved the checkpoint to the dir such as ${statebackend}/${jobId}. but after I restart the flink job, the job id is changed, so that the state does not restore correctly. How can I set the Flink Job Id in code?