I use monitor Restful api ,“/jars/{jars}/run” to test my environment.The
exception is happend.
I did exactly that:
1.I use “/jars/upload” to upload my jar.
2.I wanted to test my jar.
That is all. How can I solve this exception.
Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-ar
I am learning Monitorong restful api [1]. I want to know how to use the
"/jobs"/Post. The request body need to enter some parameters.Like
"jobGraphFileName" ,"jobArtifactFileNames","jobJarFileNames".The three
parameters how to get them?
Thanks for you letter.Now my program to get parameters is ok. But ,I
also don't know how to merge some jobs to a job .Just go through a job to
control my jobs.Do you know to merge N jobs to One job ?
Looking forward to your next letter
Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list
1.I think I have some questions.When I have not submitted my jobs,I need
to read a job to contol jobs.It is mean that If I want to cancel a job which
is running , I can contol it. Maybe my jobs it is not running,I also can
contol them.
2.When I run a job in terminal and pass program arg
Thanks for you reply!I will read this [1] and [2] carefully!If I also
have question ,Hope to hear from you again.
Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/
Dear Friend:
Now ,I am a learn flink for 20 days.I would to trouble friends
to help solve two problems.
Questions are as follows:
1. If I have some jobs,How can I merge the some jobs to One
that convenient for me to manage?
I have look for some restful api in