improve the performance of flink sql job which lookup 40+ table

2020-07-27 Thread snack white
HI: My flink version is 1.10 use per-job mode , my sql like ``` select column1, t2.xx2, t3.xx3,t4.xx4 … t40.xx40 from main_table left join lookup_1 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF t1.proc_time AS t2 on t1.xx= t2.xx left join lookup_2 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF t1.proc_time AS t3 on t1.xx=

Flink rest api cancel job

2020-07-19 Thread snack white
Hi, When I using rest api to cancel my job , the rest 9 TM has been canceled quickly , but the other one TM is always cancelling status , someone can show me how can I solve the question . Thanks, White

Rest Api body size

2020-05-31 Thread snack white
Hi, When I using rest api submit job , my post body size is 25.83kb (my jar has being uploaded to job manager before ) , my body was cut off in flink job manager, can someone tell me how to modify the post body length limit . Thanks, White

Flink sql Session window

2020-04-14 Thread snack white
Hi, In flink sql session window, is there a way to finish a session window except of session gap ? ex. Session window size reach a limit. Thanks, white