Hi Jiayi Liao.
Thanks your replying. Add attachment . And can’t get any useful messages;
> 2020年4月27日 12:40,Jiayi Liao 写道:
> <粘贴的图形-1.tiff>
Hi all,
Why my flink checkpoint always expired, I used RocksDB checkpoint,
and I can’t get any useful messages for this. Could you help me ? Thanks very
Hi all.
How can I connect RocksDB which created by Flink checkpoint, aim to check
the rocksdb configuration and data in rocksdb. Thanks very much.
Hi all,
I use Kafka 0.10.0, Flink 1.9.0, why I can’t get flink consumer10 group
which I had configured. And I use KafkaConsumer not with Flink to consumer the
same topic, I can get the consumer group metadata. Thanks.
Kafka/bin/kafka-run-class kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand --bootstrap-se
Hi all,
I confused with watermark for each Kafka partitions. As I know watermark
created by data stream level. But why also say created watermark for each
Kafka topic partitions ? As I tested, watermarks also created by global, even I
run my job with parallels. And assign watermarks on
Hi all,
Could you list details how Flink job on Yarn resources managed ?
I used command “-p 20 -yn 5 -ys 3 -yjm 2048m -ytm 2048m” to run flink job. I
containers vcores
8 22
Task Managers 7 Total Task Slots 21
I used command “-p 20 -yn 7 -ys 4 -yjm 2048m -ytm 2048m” to
Hi all.
I want to simulation the shell command which “flink -s savepoint” , this
command only can run with shell command, I want to debug it on dev, local
development environment, anyone could help me ? Thanks very much. I only can
use Savepoint.load to read the savepoint metadata and data.
we use flink as a router to our kafka, we read from one kafka and to a lot
of diffrent kafka and topic,
but it will cost too much time to start the flink job if we want to add some
other kafka sink to the flink, so
if there any way to dynamic add sink to flink or just start the flink j