list can be serialize that I can ignore this info if I
don’t care the performance.
Should I use Java array list instead of scala list or create a custom
serializer for SensorReading case class?
Best regards
I want to fire and evaluate the ProcessingTimeSessionWindow when a specific
element come into current window. But I want to exclude the specific element
when processing window function and remaining it for the next evaluation.
Best regards
Hi Vino,
Maybe it is due to the type of window. What I used is
ProcessingTimeSessionWindows, while keyedState is scoped to window and key.
Window changes so that the ValueState is different.
Best regards
在 2019年12月18日 +0800 22:30,Utopia ,写道:
> Hi Vino,
> Thanks for y
re, How can I stored the previous value so that I can get the value
when next element come in and invoke the onElement method?
Best regards
在 2019年12月18日 +0800 21:57,vino yang ,写道:
> Hi Utopia,
> The behavior may be correct.
> First, the default value is null. It's the
: 9
after update value: 10
Best regards
has ListBuffer type field?
Best regards
Hi guys,
I set allowLateness on SessionWindow. Then I return FIRE_AND_PURGE in
onEventTime method of Trigger, but clear method not be called. While clear will
be called, if I return FIRE_AND_PURGE in onElement method.
Best regards.