Where can I find a description of the expressions that can be used with
the Table operations, such as select() and filter()?
I've seen the examples use code like
> .select("word.count as count, word").filter("count = 2");
> .select("month as m, cnt.max as max")
The Table docs
> Answering to myself, I have found some nice training material at
> http://dataartisans.github.io/flink-training.
Excellent resources! Somehow, I managed not to stumble over them by
myself - either I was blind, or they are well hidden... :)
I'm new to Flink and just taking the first steps...
I want to parse a CSV file that contains a date and time as the first
field, then some values:
> 07.02.201549.9871 234.677 ...
So I’d like to use this POJO:
> import java.util.Date;
> public class DataPoint
> {
> private Strin