Flink queryable state - io.netty4 errors

2019-07-07 Thread Shivam Dubey
I am using Flink queryable state client to read a dummy valuestate I created. The code is quite simple, just created a stream out of a kafka topic, keys it as     inputStream.keyBy(value -> 0L).map(new mapFucntion()).print() Withing the mapFunction I create a value state, and declare it

Flink queryable state - io.netty4 errors

2019-07-07 Thread Shivam Dubey
I am using Flink queryable state client to read a dummy valuestate I created. The code is quite simple, just created a stream out of a kafka topic, keys it as inputStream.keyBy(value -> 0L).map(new mapFucntion()).print() Withing the mapFunction I create a value state, and declare