Re: Flink on yarn use jar on hdfs

2019-09-16 Thread Shengnan YU Shengnan YU>> 于2019年9月16日周一 下午2:24写道: Hi everyone! I found that everytime I start a flink-yarn application, client will ship flink-uber jar and other dependencies to hdfs and start appMaster. Is there any approach

Flink on yarn use jar on hdfs

2019-09-15 Thread Shengnan YU
Hi everyone! I found that everytime I start a flink-yarn application, client will ship flink-uber jar and other dependencies to hdfs and start appMaster. Is there any approaches to locate flink-uber jar and other library jars on hdfs and let only configuration file being shipped. Therefore the y

1.9 DDL create table with formatted nested json

2019-08-14 Thread Shengnan YU
Hi guys I am trying the DDL feature in branch 1.9-releasae. I am stucked in creating a table from kafka with nested json format. Is it possibe to specify a "Row" type of columns to derive the nested json schema? String sql = "create table kafka_stream(\n" + " a varchar, \n" + " b varchar,\n"

BucketingSink compressed text exactlyonce

2019-04-17 Thread Shengnan YU
Hi guys Any good ideas to achieve exactly once BucketingSink for text file?truncating compressed binary file will corrupt the gzip file which means I need to -text that gzip and redirect to a text file then compressed it agan and finally upload to hdfs. Its really inefficient. Any other compress

programmaticly start yarn session for flink job

2019-04-14 Thread Shengnan YU
Hi everyone! Is it a good way to start a yarn session programmatically for some flink jobs under kerbores? Thank you very much!

checkpointing when yarn session crashed

2019-04-07 Thread Shengnan YU
Hi everyone: Recently I am doing a bucketingsink (to hdfs) job by flink on yarn. However I found that if the yarn session crashed, or I manually killed the yarn session, the file on hdfs does not rename to .pending state and the latest checkpoint does not have _metadata. Therefore I cannot resu

flink on yarn log rolling

2019-03-20 Thread Shengnan YU
Hi all: I'd like to enable log rolling for flink on yarn. I tried to modify and logback.xml in flink/conf however there still one "taskmanager.log" in yarn container log. Any idea with that? Thank you very much!