Hi Piotrek,Thanks for you message!Ok that does sound interesting and is a approach I had not considered before, will take a look into and further investigateThank you!Best wishes,Shazia
- Original message -From: "Piotr Nowojski" To: "Shazia Kayani" Cc: mart...@
ges on one source than another which causes issues when we there are too many messages on the stream.ThanksShazia
- Original message -From: "Martijn Visser" To: "Shazia Kayani" Cc: "User" Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Input Selectable & CheckpointingDate: Tue
Hi All,Hope you are well!I am working on something which has a requirement from flink to prioritise one input datastream over another, to do this I'm currently implemented an operator which extends InputSelectable to do this.However, because of using input selectable checkpointing is disabled as it