Ask about submitting multiple stream jobs to Flink

2019-05-03 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, I have a jar file which aims to submit multiple Flink Stream jobs. When the program submits the first one successfully to the Flink, my program can't submit the second one even it can't go to the second code line. How can I fix this problem to submit different stream jobs at regular interv

Ask about Running Flink Jobs From Eclipse

2019-05-01 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, I can't see the running Flink job from Eclipse on Flink dashboard even I can see the running Flink jobs if I run jar file from Flink CLI or submit from Flink dashboard. Regards. -- Sent from:

Ask about running Flink

2019-05-01 Thread Rad Rad
Hi I would ask about the command for running These commands don't work ./ OR ./flink sql-client Regards. -- Sent from:

Re: Flink dashboard+ program arguments

2019-04-30 Thread Rad Rad
Thanks, Fabian. The problem was incorrect java path. Now, everything works fine. I would ask about the command for running These commands don't work ./ OR ./flink sql-client -- Sent from:

Flink dashboard+ program arguments

2019-04-30 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, I am using Flink 1.4.2 and I can't see my running jobs on Flink we dashboard. I downloaded Flink 1.5 and 1.6, I received this message when I tried to send my arguments like this --topic sensor --bootstrap.servers localhost:9092 --zookeeper.connect localhost:2181 test-consumer-g

Re: Flink heap memory

2019-04-30 Thread Rad Rad
Thanks a lot. -- Sent from:

Flink heap memory

2019-04-29 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, I would like to know the amount of heap memory currently used (in bytes) of a specific job which runs on Flink cluster. Regards. -- Sent from:

Change Window Size during runtime

2019-01-02 Thread Rad Rad
Hi All, I have one stream is consumed by FlinkKafkaConsumer which will be joined with another stream for defined window size such as Time.milliseconds(1). How can I change window size during runtime to Time.milliseconds(2)? Stream1.join(Stream2) .where(n

Re: Ask about counting elements per window

2018-11-03 Thread Rad Rad
Thanks very much. -- Sent from:

Ask about counting elements per window

2018-10-31 Thread Rad Rad
Hi All, I have a GPS stream consumed by FlinkKafkaConsumer which contains a set of GPSs of different users. I need to count a number of users per a specific window of this stream. Could anyone help me, a part of my code is below // read data from Kafka DataStream st

Re: Ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs

2018-09-06 Thread Rad Rad
Thanks very much. Now it works fine. -- Sent from:

Re: Ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs

2018-09-06 Thread Rad Rad
Thanks very much. Now it works fine. -- Sent from:

Ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs

2018-09-04 Thread Rad Rad
Hi All, Kindly, could I ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs in a cluster? Since I have two jars, 1- jar 1 joins stream1⋈ stream2 2- jar 2 joins stream1⋈ stream3 I submitted the first one and it works fine, when I tried to submit the second one, it failed. When I go to Flink

Ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs

2018-09-04 Thread Rad Rad
Hi All, Kindly, could I ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs in a cluster? Since I have two jars, each one joins different data streams. I submitted the first one and it works fine, when I tried to submit the second one, it failed. When I go to running tab i.e. http://myclus

Ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs

2018-09-04 Thread Rad Rad
Hi All, Kindly, could I ask about running multiple jars for different stream jobs in a cluster? Since I have two jars, each one joins different data streams. I submitted the first one and it works fine, when I tried to submit the second one, it failed. When I go to running tab i.e. http://myclus exception

2018-07-20 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, I have a problem when running streaming Flink from jar file using CLI, the program works fine if it runs from IDE? The main exception is [1] When I search for this exception, I tried to solve it by adding akka dependencies to my pom.xml file as [2] and maven shaded plugin for jar execution exception

2018-07-13 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, I have a jar file that subscribes streaming data from Kafka and then executes some Flink queries. When the program runs locally, it works fine. But, when I run the jar file, I got these exceptions which sound that causes the problem, I added dependencies

Re: Storing Streaming Data into Static source

2018-06-26 Thread Rad Rad
thanks Stefan. I subscribed the streaming data from Kafka and I did some queries using Flink. I need to store some of the results into a static source. So, which is better data source can I define by Kafka source within Flink API MongoDB or Postgresql. Thanks again. -- Sent from: http:/

Storing Streaming Data into Static source

2018-06-26 Thread Rad Rad
Hi all, Kindly, I want to save streaming data which subscribed from Kafka into a static data source. Which is better /MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Radhya. -- Sent from:

Ask about writing join streams results to CSV file

2018-06-12 Thread Rad Rad
Hi all, Could you help me, I joined two streams and then I tried to write the results to CSV file. But I found the CSV file is empty even the join function is called when I used use print instead of write ** here empty file ProximityStream.join(gpsStream) .where(new

Ask about aggeragtion on joined streams

2018-06-11 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, Could you help me if I want to do aggregations of two joined streams such as AVG FirstStream.join(SecondStream) .where(new FirstKeySelector()) .equalTo(new SecondKeySelector()) .window(Tumbli

Re: Ask for SQL using kafka in Flink

2018-06-04 Thread Rad Rad
Yes I totally agree Shuyi Chen, if anyone has an example which does the pipeline streaming processing (Kafka-Flink-SQL), it will be useful for all of us. -- Sent from:

Re: Ask for SQL using kafka in Flink

2018-06-04 Thread Rad Rad
Thanks Timo. I will go over there. -- Sent from:

Java Code for Kafka Flink SQL

2018-06-02 Thread Rad Rad
Hi, Could any one help me by providing some sample java code which Flink subscribes data data from kafka and then doing SQL queries using SQL APIs. Also, what are the compatible versions for java/kafka/flink. Since, I am beginner and there are many exceptions in my code public class FlinkKaf