We are running a Flink 1.11.0 job cluster on Kubernetes. We're not seeing
any metrics in the Flink Web UI (for the default metrics like Bytes
Received, Records Received, etc.), instead we see a spinner. See image
However, we have a prometheus metrics exporter configured and see job/task
laves are set up to correctly support the
>> JobManager with offers.
>> Prashant
>> --
>> Sent from: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.
>> nabble.com/
Prashant Nayak
CTO / Founder - Intellify Learning
m: 508.410.5380 | o: 617.701.6330 x701| skype: prashant.nayak.skype
We’re using Flink 1.3.1 on Mesos, with HA/recovery stored in S3 using
RocksDB with incremental checkpointing.
We have enabled external checkpoints (every 30s), retaining the two latest
external checkpoints.
We are trying to track down something we see happening where the recovery,
checkpoint and
We’re running Flink 1.3.1 on Mesos.
>From time-to-time, the Flink app master seems to have trouble with Mesos
offers… At such time, it obviously ends up not launching the requested task
managers (mesos.initial-tasks) and we’ve noticed situations where it
launches zero tasks. During such