TaskManager Using more CPU Cores in Kubernetes Deployment than configured

2024-09-11 Thread Oliver Schmied
Dear Flink Community, I am currently running Apache Flink Stateful Functions (version 3.2.0) on a Kubernetes cluster. I’ve configured the statefun-master and statefun-worker deployments with the following resource limits: resources: requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "1" limits: memory: "2Gi" cpu

[Help needed] Flink Statefun Runtime on Kubernetes - OutOfMemoryError Issue

2024-09-01 Thread Oliver Schmied
Hello everyone, I have set up the Flink statefun runtime on Kubernetes according to this tutorial https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun-playground/tree/main/deployments/k8s. I developed 12 custom statefun-Functions in Java and deployed them in the same way as shown in the tutorial. There are a

[Help needed] Statefun master node crashes under constant high input load

2024-08-06 Thread Oliver Schmied
Hello everyone,     I have set up the Flink statefun runtime on Kubernetes according to this tutorial https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun-playground/tree/main/deployments/k8s . I developed my own statefun-Functions in Java and deployed them in the same way as shown in the tutorial.   Pro

Statefun runtime crashes when experiencing high msg/second rate on kubernetes

2024-06-01 Thread Oliver Schmied
Hi everyone,     I set up the Flink statefun runtime on minikube (cpus=4, memory=10240) following the tutorial in statefun-playground https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun-playground/tree/main/deployments/k8s . I developed my own statefun-Functions in java and deployed them the same way as s

Aw: Re: Help with monitoring metrics of StateFun runtime with prometheus

2024-05-28 Thread Oliver Schmied
ds, Oliver     Gesendet: Montag, 27. Mai 2024 um 04:21 Uhr Von: "Biao Geng" An: "Oliver Schmied" Cc: user@flink.apache.org Betreff: Re: Help with monitoring metrics of StateFun runtime with prometheus Hi Oliver,   I am not experienced in StateFun but its doc says 'Al

Help with monitoring metrics of StateFun runtime with prometheus

2024-05-23 Thread Oliver Schmied
Dear Apache Flink community,   I am setting up an apche flink statefun runtime on Kubernetes, following the flink-playground example: https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun-playground/tree/main/deployments/k8s. This is the manifest I used for creating the statefun enviroment: ```--- apiVersi

Aw: Re: Advice Needed: Setting Up Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring for Apache Flink on Kubernetes

2024-05-19 Thread Oliver Schmied
;Biao Geng" An: "Oliver Schmied" Cc: user@flink.apache.org Betreff: Re: Advice Needed: Setting Up Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring for Apache Flink on Kubernetes Hi Oliver,   I believe you are almost there. One thing I found could improve is that in your job ya

Advice Needed: Setting Up Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring for Apache Flink on Kubernetes

2024-05-18 Thread Oliver Schmied
Dear Apache Flink Community, I am currently trying to monitor an Apache Flink cluster deployed on Kubernetes using Prometheus and Grafana. Despite following the official guide (https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-kubernetes-operator-docs-release-1.8/docs/operations/metrics-logging/)  on how t