I have a flink streaming job that consumes data from RMQ source, process it
and output it to RMQ sink.
I want to delete the RMQ source queue when cancelling the job but keep it
if the job failed to resume processing it's data when the job is restarted.
One solution is to override the canc
I have extended the RMQSource class and overrode setupQueue method to
declare a queue and bind it to an exchange.
Now, when I stop the flink job the queue is not deleted. I tried to
override cancel() and close() to delete the queue but I found they are not
called on stopping the job.
Is t
TableEnvironment to change
> the table to a data stream.
> [1]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/docs/dev/python/table/python_table_api_connectors/
> Nadia Mostafa 于2021年8月22日周日 下午11:57写道:
>> Hello,
>> Is there any wa
Is there any way to use RMQ as a data source in the DataStream python api?
Thanks in advance
于2020年12月16日周三 上午3:54写道:
>> It is currently not possible to access state with the Python API.
>> A proposal has recently been made to enhance the API with state access
>> (under FLIP-152), but at this time I cannot provide a prediction for
>> when it might be release
I'm new to flink and trying to build a stateful application using python
datastream API but can't find any example of how to use states in python in
flink 1.12 documentation.
Is states supported in the python datastream API?And if so, how can I use
Thanks in advance!