I am having an issue with Event time stamp and timezone with Flink 1.8 (1.8
because I need it to work on AWS Kinesis)
I have a very simple pipeline that read events from a stream, transform to a
Table does a small window (Tumblin 1 min) aggregation and groupby, transforms
back to a stre
I have built a Flink pipeline that involve
1) Reading events from a Kinesis Stream
2) Create two DataStream (using .filter) with events of type 'A' going in
stream1 and event of type 'B' going in stream2
3) Transform stream1 into a Table and use Table API to do a simple window
tumble a
ertId, impVariationName, impMinute")
.select("impAdvertId, impVariationName, clickAdvertId.count as
clickCount, impMinute")
.where("clickAdvertId != null");
From: Faye Pressly
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 9:28 PM
To: user@flink.apache.o
I have a steam of events (coming from a Kinesis Stream) of this form:
impressionId | advertid | variationName | eventType | eventTime
The end goal is to output back on a Kinesis Stream the count of event of type
'impression' and the count of events of type 'click'
however, I need to dro