closed to.
-- --
??: "Hequn Cheng";
: 2019??7??14??(??) ????11:49
??: "Ever"<>;
: "user";
: Re: [flink 1.8.1]window closed unexpectedly and data drop
Hi Ever,
The window only fires when the watermark passes
I have a streaming job based on Event time, which has a 60 seconds window and
10 seconds sliding window.
Data will come in batches every 10 second.
Here's the code.
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
" start-foreground "$@"
$FLINK_HOME/bin/ start "$@"
#hold the container
tail -f $CONF_FILE
-- --
??: "Yang Wang";
: 2019??7??10??(??) 3:02
??: "Ever"<439674...@qq.c
After deploying Flink 1.8.0 with docker, logger page for jobManager and
taskManager doesn't work.
I try to run flink with background mode instead of
start-foreground( , but the container can't be started.
Anyone can help?