; based on its timestamp and the join window interval.
> Best,
> Fabian
> [1]
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.6/dev/stream/operators/joining.html#interval-join
> Am Mo., 8. Okt. 2018 um 16:44 Uhr schrieb Eric L Goodman <
> eric.good...@colo
assumption is correct, you can add a ProcessFunction after the join
> to do distinct.
> Best, Hequn
> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 10:37 PM Eric L Goodman
> wrote:
>> If I change it to a Tumbling window some of the results will be lost
>> since the pattern I'm mat
>> Best Regards,
>> Dominik.
>> pon., 8 paź 2018 o 08:00 Eric L Goodman
>> napisał(a):
>>> What is the best way to avoid or remove duplica
What is the best way to avoid or remove duplicates when joining a stream
with itself? I'm performing a streaming temporal triangle computation and
the first part is to find triads of two edges of the form vertexA->vertexB
and vertexB->vertexC (and there are temporal constraints where the first
If I have a standalone cluster running flink, what is the best way to
ingest multiple streams of the same type of data?
For example, if I open a socket text stream, does the socket only get
opened on the master node and then the stream is partitioned out to the
worker nodes?
DataStream text = env