Gelly: akka.ask.timeout

2018-01-08 Thread Alieh Saeedi
Hey all,I have an iterative algorithm implemented in Gelly. As long as I upgraded everything to flink-1.3.1 from 1.1.2, the runtime has been increased and in some cases task managers are killed. The error msg is| "akka.ask.timeout". I increased akka.ask.timeout, but the problem still exist. Chee

Re: The two inputs have different execution contexts.

2016-07-11 Thread Alieh Saeedi
help. Thanks,Kostas  On Jul 10, 2016, at 3:13 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote: I can not join or coGroup two tuple2 datasets of the same tome. The error is  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The two inputs have different execution contexts.:-(

The two inputs have different execution contexts.

2016-07-10 Thread Alieh Saeedi
I can not join or coGroup two tuple2 datasets of the same tome. The error is  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The two inputs have different execution contexts.:-(

LongMaxAggregator in gelly scatter/gather

2016-06-15 Thread Alieh Saeedi
Hi every bodyIs it possible to use  org.apache.giraph.aggregators.LongMaxAggregator as an aggregator of gelly scatter/gather? Thanks in advance


2016-06-15 Thread Alieh Saeedi
Hi everybody Why LongSumAggragator() works but LongMaxAggragator() is not known any more?! Thanks in advance

Send to all in gelly scatter

2016-06-14 Thread Alieh Saeedi
Hi Is it possible to send a message to all vertices in gelly scatter? How the Ids of all vertices can be found out? Thanks in advance

Gelly Scatter/Gather - Vertex update

2016-06-14 Thread Alieh Saeedi
Hi everybodyIn Gelly scatter/gather when no message is sent to a vertex in one iteration, it will not enter the scatter function in next iteration. Why? I need all vertices enter the scatter function in all iterations, but some of them receive a message and will be updated. thanks in advance

Gelly scatter/gather

2016-06-13 Thread Alieh Saeedi
HiIs it possible to access iteration number in gelly scatter/gather? thanks in advance