Hey all,I have an iterative algorithm implemented in Gelly. As long as I
upgraded everything to flink-1.3.1 from 1.1.2, the runtime has been increased
and in some cases task managers are killed. The error msg is|
"akka.ask.timeout". I increased akka.ask.timeout, but the problem still exist.
On Jul 10, 2016, at 3:13 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
I can not join or coGroup two tuple2 datasets of the same tome. The error is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The two inputs have different execution
I can not join or coGroup two tuple2 datasets of the same tome. The error is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The two inputs have different execution
Hi every bodyIs it possible to use
org.apache.giraph.aggregators.LongMaxAggregator as an aggregator of gelly
Thanks in advance
Hi everybody
Why LongSumAggragator() works but LongMaxAggragator() is not known any more?!
Thanks in advance
Hi Is it possible to send a message to all vertices in gelly scatter? How the
Ids of all vertices can be found out?
Thanks in advance
Hi everybodyIn Gelly scatter/gather when no message is sent to a vertex in one
iteration, it will not enter the scatter function in next iteration. Why? I
need all vertices enter the scatter function in all iterations, but some of
them receive a message and will be updated.
thanks in advance
HiIs it possible to access iteration number in gelly scatter/gather?
thanks in advance