How can I co-relate two streams of different types in Flink?
Scenario: In stream1, I have data in pojo with a field user. In stream2, I
have data in a different pojo which also contains the field user. (However,
other than the user field, they have no common field).
Now what I want to do is r
want to operate differently on them.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2021, 11:23 AM yidan zhao wrote:
> You can self-define it using keyedStream.window(GlobalWindows.create()
> ).trigger(self-defined-trigger).
> Abhinav Sharma 于2021年2月21日周日 下午3:57写道:
>> Hi,
>> Is there
Is there some way that I can configure an operator based on the key in a
Eg: If the key is 'abcd', then create a window of size X counts, if the key
is 'bfgh', then create a window of size Y counts.
Is this scenario possible in flink
I am evaluating flink with use case where we need to create a basic flink
pipeline, and inject the classes for map, reduce, process, etc via some xml
configuration (or something equivalent).
stream.keyBy(value -> value.getKey())
Newbie question: How can I set triggers to stream which execute according
to system time? Eg: I want to sum the elements of streams at 1PM everyday.